About Me:

Aloha! I'm Wendy Kennar. I'm the mother of a seven-year-old son and a wife living in Los Angeles. I was a public school teacher for twelve years until a chronic medical condition made it necessary to leave my teaching career.

I've always been described as "quiet" - really, I'm just biting my tongue. I've got lots to say, and lots of thoughts to share, I just prefer to write them. That's the purpose of this blog. Each Wednesday, I post a personal essay offering my observations and thoughts.

A few fun facts about me: I've wanted to be a writer since second grade, when my teacher, Mrs. Jones, made me a "book" with a yellow construction paper cover. I have never learned to whistle, have always preferred sunflowers to roses, and have spent my life living within the same zip code.

Through the years, my writing has been published in the Los Angeles Times, Christian Science Monitor, United Teacher, GreenPrints, L.A. Parent, DivineCaroline.com, RoleReboot.org, XOJane, and Brain, Child Magazine. Additionally, my personal essays have been included in several anthologies, including: The Barefoot Review, Beyond the Diaper Bag, Lessons From My Parents, Write for Light, Being a Grown-Up: A User's Manual for the Real World, Ka-Pow!, How Writing Can Get You Through Tough Times, Breath and Shadow, The Grey Wolfe Storybook, and Sisters Born, Sisters Found.
I am a regular contributor at MomsLA.com, and you can also find me at Goodreads.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog. Feel free to comment and share my blog with others!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sporks and Spoons

My husband and I are bicentennial babies, and because we share that auspicious birth year, we grew up in the 1980’s.  We’ve got the same frames of reference, including certain performers (Cyndi Lauper, Michael Jackson), certain pop culture references (the original Smurfs, leg warmers), and certain TV shows (The Facts of Life, The Cosby Show).

We also both vaguely remember another show, Silver Spoons.  While we can’t recall all the details, it’s the title song that remains fixed in our memory.
“Here we are, face to face
A couple of Silver Spoons. 
Hopin’ to find, we’re two of a kind 
Making a go, making it grow. 

In many ways, the song fits.  We are trying to make our life together “a go,” trying to be the best parents we can be so our son grows and thrives.

But, we’re certainly not silver spoons.  Neither one of us comes from a wealthy family.  Our courtship days involved “bargain dates” - a frozen yogurt and a walk in the park, Taco Bell dinners, Top Ramen “meals.”  

We decided we’re “sporks.”  You know, the plastic utensils distributed at fast-food restaurants, the ones that are a spoon and fork combination.  For us, we’ve always been most concerned with being together - where we were and what we were doing were extra details to be worked out.  As “sporks,” we know how to improvise - to have a movie date that involves watching a favorite DVD in short intervals over several nights or eating fast food by candlelight.

Sporks have been around for over one hundred years.  Sporks are manufactured in all different materials, including plastic and stainless steel.  A spork is capable of doing more than one job - it can serve as a fork or a spoon.  As working parents, we’re very familiar with fulfilling more than one duty at a time.

We’re doing the best we can, together.  Some days, easier and smoother than others.  But we’re getting through them.  

Of course we will.  We’re sporks after all.  


  1. I have always believed having money does not make you happy.It helps pay your bills,but certainly does not buy you health,happiness or love.I still remember when daddy and I first started out and we had no money at all,but we were always happy just to be together.At almost 38 years of marriage we still are best friends and still very much in love.I feel you and Paul will also have wonderful years together and Ryan will bring you much joy and happiness.I love reading your work,and I am always amazed at the topics you write about.I love you and I am very proud of you.

  2. I feel that it is unfair that when you are young and just starting out everything is a struggle. Since I retired, I have spent more time with your Mother. When the children left the nest, it was the first time, I was alone with your Mother. We have grown closer and remain friends. I am sure that you and Paul will also experience the growth of Love as the years go by. You Mother and I are proud of you.

    Love, Dad

  3. Honey,
    I am so proud of us! We promised each other that we would stick together through the good and the not so good. We are fulfilling that promise everyday in our adventure together. There is no other place I would rather be than by your side. I Love You with all of my heart!
